5 Ways to Help Your Teens Deal with Anxiety

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Drug Addiction Treatment

In the U.S., anxiety disorders are the most prevalent form of mental illness, with about 40 million adults above the age of 18 suffering from the condition. That’s about 18 percent of the local population, according to the National Institute of Mental Health or NIH.

Anxiety in Children and Teens

In children, anxiety disorders affect one out of eight. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America says about 60 percent of the 80 percent of kids who have a diagnosable anxiety disorder aren’t getting treated. In addition, only about one in five teens receive treatment for their anxiety disorder.

Kids with untreated anxiety disorders are often at risk of performing poorly in school or were more likely to miss out a lot of essential social experiences. They were also more likely to end up with drug addiction problems.

Dealing with Anxiety in Children and Teens

If your child or teen suffers from an anxiety disorder, it can be a reaction to a traumatizing event. Here are some ways you could help your kids manage anxiety, nervousness, tension as well as stress:

  1. Teach them how to relax. Most parents are so concerned with how their kids perform at school that they often don’t make enough time to teach their kids the value of taking things easy. If that’s the same for you, learn to appreciate that and try to teach your kids how to relax. Breathing exercises as well as activities like tai chi or yoga can help your kids loosen up.
  2. Build connections. Make sure your teens feel your love and support. Encourage them to build nurture supportive connections. This can go a long way in helping them feel at ease while lowering their anxiety levels at the same time.
  3. Seek out treatment. Professional help is indispensable. Your teen can benefit a lot from getting right and timely treatment for any disorder or condition he might have. If you’re looking for a teen anxiety treatment center in Los Angeles, visit Adolescent Growth for more details.
  4. Connect with nature. A walk in the park or a fun climb can make your teen feel rested and at peace, ensuring low anxiety levels.
  5. Think positive. One of the most important things to remember is to teach your kids to think positive, to rewire their brain for positivity. The moment they learn to be on the lookout for positive things, their attitude allows them to find solutions instead of problems and makes them less susceptible to anxiety.


So if you think your teen is suffering from an anxiety disorder, take measures to help. Seek out ways and treatments to boost their recovery.

At Adolescent Growth offers adolescent health services. For more details, call and schedule an appointment today.

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