Cardboard shipping and packing boxes, which are made out of a corrugated paper material called containerboard, are without question an element that cannot be done without. One reason why they are so widely used is that not only are they inexpensive, lightweight and sturdy, but also that they are versatile and come in many individual sizes, shapes and designs to fill a large number of packaging needs. No matter what you want to have packaged up and shipped to a new location, you are certain to be able to find just the right kind of box. If you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, don’t just settle for anything else that seems similar! With many box companies, you can send in measurements and get custom cardboard boxes that are perfect for your packing and shipping needs.
Why Are Custom Cardboard Boxes Needed?
Whenever something needs to be shipped somewhere else, it is of the utmost importance that it is packed up properly. There are several possible accidents that could befall an item during shipping, especially if it is fragile or could be damaged by exposure to moisture, cold, or heat. You may have ordered something before and opened the package when it arrived, only to find that during shipping, your item was being tossed about in a box that was much too large for it! Being certain that when you pack up your item, it is in a box that is the right size for it will help make sure it stays in place and is protected. When you are custom ordering your cardboard boxes, it is also a good idea to browse the specific box types they have, to find one that will suit the needs of your item for the best, safest and most satisfactory shipping experience.
Choosing The Best Custom Cardboard Box
When you need a box for a product you are shipping and you know you are going to have to get a custom size box to pack it in, make careful measurements. The important thing to remember is to measure for the inside dimensions of the box, not the outside. You may want to factor in a little extra space for packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or corrugated pads to strengthen the bottom of the box if the items being shipped are extra heavy. Besides the length, width and depth of your box, you can also specify whether you want it to be single or double strength and even customize the color.