Hire Someone to Help with Child Support in Douglasville, GA

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Law Services

If you are the custodial parent to your children, it is likely that you are entitled to money for taking care of them. If you have already been to court and you have papers stating what you are entitled to, it is now time to get started with the process of collecting.

It can be difficult to collect child support that is rightfully yours especially with a former spouse who is not willing to cooperate. If this is the case, it may be important to set up an appointment with a lawyer to go over the different options regarding child support in Douglasville, GA. It is surprising to learn that there are options to help you to collect the money that is rightfully yours. A lawyer will need to look at a copy of the divorce decree. This way, there will be no question as to how much money is available and the lawyer can determine right away how to get started with the collection.

Quite often, it will be important to take this case in front of the judge. If this happens, rest assured that the lawyer is going to be there to offer guidance. They know how to help you collect and they will not settle until everything has been resolved. Sometimes, it may be possible to garnish the paycheck of the former spouse in order to collect child support in Douglasville, GA. If this is the case, it is likely that money will always be coming in as long as they are at the same job. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed with raising these kids alone especially without a lot of money coming in. Hopefully, the former spouse will do the right thing and pay the money that is legally yours. Otherwise, the lawyer may have to come up with a plan so that this is taken from their tax return.

No matter what happens, it is important to understand that you don’t want to have to go through this process alone. Someone will be there to offer assistance until everything has been resolved. Be patient and remember that it is going to work out. Go to Website Domain to learn more.

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