The Fourier Transform Infrared testing, also known as FTIR testing, is a form of spectroscopy analysis. It can identify specific components and chemical compounds in a sample of organic or inorganic materials or mixed samples.
The basis of the FTIR analysis is the use of a mathematical process known as the Fourier transform. The mathematical process is used to quantify the specific chemical bonds found in the sample based on the way they absorb or emit infrared light. This emission or absorption creates what is known as an infrared absorption spectrum.
Types of Materials
As the specific pattern created by each type of bond is unique to that chemical, it is highly effective in determining even slight amounts of a specific chemical in the sample. It can also be effective in determining the presence of any contaminants in a sample of polymer material, paints, foods, finishes, and coatings as well as in any other type of material.
While FTIR testing is most often used for solids, it can also be used to identify gasses and liquids as well. The testing method is highly practical for reverse engineering of samples as well as to screen for any type of unknowns in a sample and provide a definitive spectrum analysis for accurate identification.
Testing Options
Often in sample analysis, the FTIR testing procedure is used in conjunction with other types of testing options. The FTIR is particularly helpful identifying copolymers, which may be very difficult to define and determine based on other testing methods.
There are different FTIR techniques used based on the particular type of sample and the infrared region. A lab will be able to quickly assess the most appropriate testing method and run the applicable analysis. It is a relatively quick testing method that can be used on minuscule sample sizes, making it an excellent option for many applications.