If you are considered a high-risk driver for some reason, you may need to provide extra documentation to the state when buying insurance for your car. Most states require an SR22 to show that you are maintaining your vehicle’s liability coverage. Here are some of the things you should know about filing an SR22.
Who Needs an SR22?
The state in which you reside will usually require an SR22 to be filed when you have been caught driving without insurance coverage or have committed another serious traffic violation. It is a certificate showing that you are assuming financial liability by purchasing insurance for your vehicle. Other reasons you may need SR22 insurance services is if you have incurred any of the following:
Too many moving violations in a short time frame
* A DUI or DWI
* A suspended driver’s license
* Where Can You Get an SR22?
Auto insurers provide SR22 insurance services, so they will file the certificate for you. They will fill it out and file it with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles to show proof that you now have insurance for your vehicle. This proof is needed if you have gone to court after being caught driving without insurance.
How Long Is It Needed?
In most states, you may need to maintain an SR22 for up to three years, which means that you will also need to have car insurance that entire time. If you don’t maintain your car insurance, the insurance company is legally obligated to inform the state’s DMV, and your license will probably be suspended. Insurance carriers like the Business Name can explain the requirements when you purchase an insurance policy through them.
SR22 insurance services are not very expensive, but the price of your insurance can vary depending on your driving record and credit record. However, if you maintain continuous insurance coverage, then you shouldn’t need an SR22 except for serious moving violations.