There are multiple choices for people looking for electric wheelchairs in Stockton, CA. Mobility experts will each individual decide if they are best served by an electric wheelchair or a mobility scooter. Mobility experts help every individual explore the benefits of an electric wheelchair, including their practicality and stability.
Enjoy a Small Turning Circle
An electric wheelchair offers a smaller turning circle than other mobility options. Using an electric wheelchair is practical because of its small turning circle and narrow style. An electric wheelchair is generally designed to be slimmer and smaller than other electric mobility options to make it a practical choice.
Enjoy the Simplicity of a Folding Electric Wheelchair
The options open to wheelchair users are growing as technology advances in the mobility sector. Among the options for electric wheelchairs in Stockton, CA are folding options that make it easy to move them in the trunk of a car. The improving technology is slimming down the size of electric wheelchairs to make them easier to transport and store.
Enjoy an Improved Seating Position
The improved seating position of an electric wheelchair creates a neutral right angle for the user’s back, legs, and knees. The neutral seating position is comfier and causes fewer issues for the user.
Customize a Wheelchair for the User
The improvements made to electric wheelchairs mean they are easy to customize to meet the needs of an individual user. Customizing an electric wheelchair makes it as comfortable as possible for the user.
To learn more about electric wheelchairs in Stockton, CA, contact Mobility Plus of CA at