Work from Home Design in Orange County

by | Jul 22, 2024 | construction

Home offices used to be for writers and people with careers that require over 100 hours a week. However, remote work has become increasingly popular, and alongside it, there’s a growing need to redesign homes to incorporate a home office. Here are some things you can do to create the perfect work-from-home design in Orange County.

Ditch the Traditional Desk

One of the best parts of working from home is the space to spread out. Instead of populating your office space with a small desk, opt for a dining table instead. You’ll have plenty of room to prop up your laptop and use a wireless keyboard. You’ll also have room for drinks, a notepad, a plant, a gorgeous table lamp, and your lunch. The large surface areas of a dining table make for a great working environment because you won’t feel cramped and won’t have to break focus by keeping everything you need close at hand.

Opt for A Cozy Closet Office

Not everyone needs the space of a table. Some people prefer a smaller space with just themselves and their laptop. Unused closets make a great space to tuck an office space into. You can even build bookshelves to optimize storage space over your desk.

Multi-Purpose Rooms

A large cabinet or decorative box makes it easy to store away your work things so you can use a room for more than just an office. You can sit at your dining table and work, then put your laptop and paper away before sitting down to eat dinner with your family.

Add a Room

Take your home design in Orange County to the next level by adding additional space for a private home office. This strategy is ideal for anyone seeking dedicated office space.

Visit Sea Pointe Design & Remodel to find out how they can create the perfect home design in Orange County!

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