Tips for Storing Your Chocolate Coins

by | Mar 5, 2015 | Shop

Have you recently had custom chocolate casino chips created? Do you have a large number of coins left over? Before you throw them out, you should consider storing them for a future event. However, if you do not take the time to store the chocolate properly, you will find it will not last or taste right when you use them again. Some tips to help you properly store your chocolate coins are found here.

Chocolate will last the longest when it is kept in a dark and dry environment. The preferred temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of storage will help to minimize the total fat bloom, which is when the process of the cocoa butter in the chocolate separates and rises to the chocolate’s surface. Have you ever seen a gray-white coating on the top of your chocolate bar? If so, you have experienced fat bloom.

It is not recommended that you freeze or refrigerate chocolate, but it can be used if you do not have any other way to control the storage temperature. If you do decide to freeze or to refrigerate the chocolate, it should be done with an airtight container in order to prevent any condensation from affecting the chocolate. If this happens then you will be creating another condition, which is referred to as a sugar bloom. If there is condensation present, and it forms on the surface of a chocolate bar, the sugar will absorb and then disperse the moisture. This will cause the sugar to create big crystals, which leaves behind a brittle and dull texture on the surface of the chocolate.

You should also allow any frozen or refrigerated chocolate to reach room temperature prior to eating it or opening the container. Eating cold chocolate will mask the flavor that makes chocolate such a pleasurable experience.

It is also important to take care that you keep your stored chocolate away from any other item that may have a strong odor. Chocolate can be extremely absorbent and will take on the smells and even flavors or foods nearby.

When you use the tips here, you can store your chocolate, no matter the type, for up to a year. If it is dark chocolate, it can be stored for as much as two years. Learning the storage basics will help ensure your chocolate lasts.

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