A Guide to Understanding the Bloodborne Pathogens Standards in Hayward, CA

by | Dec 24, 2020 | Health

The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard sets out a list of safety measures to keep employees safe. Yet, the standards can be difficult for the average person to understand. Therefore, it can help to get a no nonsense guide to gain a better understanding. Review the following points about some of the major sections of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.

Establishing a Plan

Under the standard, employers are required to create a control plan for accidental exposures. Essentially, this plan must attempt to minimize the occurrence of exposures. Generally, employers will have to create a classification system that pre-determines the risk of exposure for each employee. This includes describing the tasks that could lead to a potential transmission. The plan should be in written form for later reference.

Annual Updates

The Bloodborne Pathogens Standards requires annual updates to the exposure control plan. This is done to reflect changes in conditions and job duties. One important aspect of this update is to document the use of new equipment. Employers are expected to incorporate the use of safer medical devices as better technology becomes available. It is also important to relate feedback from frontline employees regarding ways to improve the existing procedures.

PPE Concerns

An additional obligation placed on employers is to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Employers must make this equipment available at all times. They must also track and replace such equipment as needed. This must be done at no cost to the employees.

In Conclusion

In summary, there is a lot more to understanding the standards. For example, employers may also have to make vaccinations available to staff members. Be sure to carry out a thorough review of the requirements to ensure compliance.

For more assistance with minimizing exposure to bloodborne pathogens, contact Sharp Fluidics.

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