
The History of the Cigar

Do you know the history of that cigar you’re puffing away on?  Here are a few facts about cigar smoking that may surprise you! Columbus’ Travels Whilst Christopher Columbus is generally credited with discovering tobacco, cigar smoking is thought to have...

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Choosing Home Security Monitoring Systems

Across the Atlantic, they used to say that “An Englishman’s home is his castle” and one would think that a castle would be a secure place in which to live. However, even the strongest fortress can fall to an enemy. In the US today, it is not the barbarian hordes who...

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Safe Orlando Dating

Dating anywhere is a mixture of luck and opportunity.  Convincing someone to go out with you, purely for social reasons, can be relatively easy and, effectively, this constitutes a “date” and it does not have to become serious or intimate or even be repeated. However,...

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