Features That Roofing Website Design Should Have

by | Jun 6, 2024 | Business

When designing a website for your roofing business, whether you do it yourself or hire an agency to do it for you, there are a few features that you must include in your website. While you want your website to stand out and be unique, some features are important to have for every website so that people visiting can navigate the website and understand your business. Here is what your roofing website design should include.

Clear, Compelling Introduction

At the top of your website, you want to introduce your business and make a quick case for why a potential customer should hire you. Whether that’s your rate of customer satisfaction, how long you’ve been in business, or something else, state it in a sentence or two. Also include an eye-catching header image, preferably of one of your jobs.

A Button to Contact You

The most important goal of roofing website design is to get people to convert from visitors to paying customers. You want to make it as easy as possible for them to book you for work. Make sure that you have a button where potential customers can contact you or request your work displayed prominently near the top of the page, where people are bound to see it and click on it.

Examples of Your Work

Your website should also include examples of your work, whether that is testimonials from happy customers, photos from previous jobs, or both. Make sure that finding these examples is easy for potential customers.

Your website should also include examples of your work, whether that is testimonials from happy customers, photos from previous jobs, or both. Make sure that finding these examples is easy for potential customers.

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