The rising popularity of flavored cigars has encouraged many companies to begin selling these products online. No longer are you resigned to hoping your local smoke shop has the cigars you desire. The online cigar trend has made it easier than ever to purchase your favorite brand and have it shipped right to your door. There are some things to keep in mind before deciding on a company to purchase from, though. Here are some tips for finding the best online cigar store for your smoking needs:
Any online cigar company you are thinking about buying from should offer and explain their refund policy. Cigars can be an acquired taste, and if you happen to purchase a brand you don’t like (or didn’t want to begin with), the option for a refund should be available. Many websites offering cheap flavored cigars will be very transparent in their refund policy, so finding out what it entails can save you a lot of grief if the product you received isn’t what you expected.
Plenty of Options
Most good online cigar stores will offer their customers a variety of options to choose from. Often these sites will have quality descriptions of their products, as well as customer reviews. Be sure to choose a site that offers a high level of variety and descriptions of their products. This makes finding and purchasing cheap flavored cigars a lot easier, because you’ll have a good sense of what the product is and what other customers are saying about it.
Discounts and Daily Deals
One of the great characteristics of many online cigar dealers is that they attract customers through their many great discounts and deals. Some of the better companies will have daily deals on certain brands, which makes checking out their website on a daily basis a good way to catch a good discount. Also, look for deals on shipping and bulk orders, as this may be a great way to save money too.
Social Media
It is important to do a fair bit of research on the company you are thinking about ordering your cigars from, and a great way to do this is by checking out their social media pages. Taking the time to investigate what people are saying about the company and their products can make or break your decision to order from them. The Internet, and social media in particular, is an excellent resource for reviews and reports of these companies.
Be Wary
It’s important to be wary of the company’s shipping policy, as some stores may ship internationally or only domestically. So if you are ordering from out of the country, be sure to find out if this is the case.