If you’re involved in a car accident, there’s always a possibility that you could experience some kind of pain whether it’s muscle strain, a broken bone, or something more severe. After the accident, you should try to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine if you have any injuries as some don’t always present right away. You can then begin treatments for auto accident pain relief Jacksonville FL doctors offer.
There are several types of medications that you can take depending on the severity of your pain. You can take a mild pain reliever that is available at retail stores and pharmacies if you aren’t experiencing any kind of severe pain. Your doctor can prescribe stronger medications for severe injuries. Keep in mind that any medication should be taken as directed and until your pain subsides.
Heat and Cold Therapy
Sometimes, auto accident pain relief Jacksonville FL doctors suggest heat and cold therapies for pain. This is a common approach for sore muscles. You’ll usually apply ice to the area impacted in order to decrease swelling before alternating between heat and cold. Avoid placing heat and cold sources directly to your skin as they can impact the top layers of skin by burning them.
Avoid sitting still for long periods of time after being in a car accident, especially if you have sore muscles. Stretching can relieve some of the tension in your body and can begin relieving some of the pain that you feel. Talk to your doctor about how long you should stretch during the day, seeking assistance from a physical therapist if needed.
A pain relief option to consider is acupuncture. Small needles are placed near the areas where you are experiencing the most pain. The process can decrease some of the inflammation that you have as well as the recovery time regarding your injuries.