Fix Your Credit To Get The Best Mortgage Possible

by | Feb 20, 2013 | Loans

One of the best ways to prepare to get your mortgage in Indianapolis IN is to consider your home loan from your lender’s point of view. They will be considering loaning you perhaps several hundred thousand dollars. They do this to make money on the interest portion of your payment. Their bosses are watching them carefully to make sure they are extending good loans. If their records show that they are extending too many loans to borrowers who are chronically late with their payments, or even default completely on the loan due to bankruptcy, then those lenders will lose their jobs.

For this reason, bank lenders are very good at determining risk for a mortgage in Indianapolis IN. If there is simply more risk with a borrower than they can afford, they will ask the borrower to look elsewhere. Ideally, they would like borrowers with the lowest risk possible, but they will also accept borrowers with less than perfect, although reasonable credit histories. However, for this extra risk, they require higher down payments. They will also charge higher interest rates, resulting in a higher monthly mortgage payment.

If you apply for a mortgage in Indianapolis IN, and the loan officer tells you that your risk is too high, do not take it personally. Your risk is your responsibility, and something you can control. The best strategy is to do so before you ever visit the loan officer. For many reasons, it is also a good idea to do this preparation before you even begin to shop for a home.

Briefly, your credit rating shows how much credit experience you have in your life, and your track record for making timely payments. This is no different from how you would lend a $1000 to someone you did not know. A person who has never borrowed money before may be a good person and have every intention of paying you back, but may be surprised on how hard it is to do so. In addition, you would never want to lend to a person who has borrowed money often, but never pays it back on time.

If you are either a credit novice, or a person who has had trouble with payments, then visit a credit counselor to help get you on track. Once you know how to handle credit, consider contacting a credit repair firm to get your scores as high as possible.

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