Hiring Car Accident Lawyers in Chicago

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Personal Injury Attorney

When are you entitled to receive compensation for an accident? You are entitled to compensation when you are the victim of a traffic accident, especially if a third party has civil or criminal liability. The law provides that any damages directly or indirectly caused by third parties, including temporary or permanent disability, problems produced by injury, property damage, medical expenses, and financial damage, must be repaired by compensation.

What is the deadline for making a claim? The legal deadline is six months if you opt for criminal proceedings and 12 months in civil and administrative means. Once exhausted, there could be a viable claim if certain requirements are met. Drivers of cars and motorcycles are entitled to compensation if they suffer a disability due to another vehicle responsible for the accident.

The driver is always entitled to compensation in cases that have involved another liable person (rear-end collisions, driver running red light, reckless driving, alcohol, etc.). In situations where a road is deemed lacking, meaning there is a lack of maintenance or there are defects that cause the accident, there can be a viable claim to the responsible party as long as tests or police reports state the problem was caused by the conditions.

In cases where an animal is the cause of the accident, you may also claim compensation, but it is necessary to identify the owner of the animal. The most common injuries are whiplash, herniated discs and disc protrusions, rotator cuff injuries, and rupture of the supraspinatus tendon. Due to the lack of protection, the victims who suffer the most severe injuries are first in the statistics for fatal accidents, paraplegia, quadriplegia, and amputation of limbs. To avoid accidents with other vehicles, many people swerve and cause property damage instead of vehicular body damage. You can claim compensation with the help of car accident lawyers in Chicago if witnesses are identified.

Passengers are always victims and, therefore, always entitled to compensation regardless of whether the driver is a family member or a friend. This is because the insurance company must always cover their liability, and many vehicle occupants who are injured are afraid to complain for fear of getting the driver into trouble. But this should be the furthest thing from your mind. If you are hurt, you should seek compensation no matter who was at fault.

For more information, contact car accident lawyers in Chicago, such as GWC Injury Lawyers LLC.

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