How A Multihead Weighing Machine Can Improve Your Business Profits

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Packaging

When you need to move your product quickly through your production line, guaranteeing that an exact amount of your goods is inserted into a package, it is important that they can be weighed efficiently. A multihead weigher ensures that the exact amount of your product is packaged so that you are not wasting your stock, while ensuring that the customer receives the correct amount every time.

Speed and Efficiency Is Essential

Where previously, each package needed to be weighed individually, the introduction of multihead weighers in the 1970s changed the way the food industry could produce weighed and packaged products far more efficiently.

In today’s busy manufacturing industry, production lines that can be more effective than their competitor, increase the opportunity of boosting sales and therefore, increasing the company’s profits.

It is accepted that much of the packaging industry can employ the use of multihead weighers. They can be used as part of the production line or as stand-alone units. Where they are incorporated as part of the entire process, the packaging can be filled, weighed and sealed, awaiting inspection.

The mass of the product is fed into a hopper, above the weighing machine. It is dispensed into several smaller hoppers, where it is packaged as it is weighed. The product is diverted into the hoppers by a mixture of gravity, centrifugal force or a vibrating machine.

Being able to fill a large number of packages can rapidly improve the number of completed products that can be ready to be packed for shipping. Where the products are placed onto trays after being weighed, the production line efficiency is rapidly improved.

Which Products Can Be Used?

Fresh fish and meats, with a without a sauce, can be packed using this method as can grated cheese. Fine powders such as tea and coffee granules can easily be packed and weighed during this process. Delicate items, like handmade chocolates can also be used on a production line.

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