So, you’ve made the decision to purchase or upgrade your industrial filtration system. One thing you have to remember is that what goes into nearly everything you do, and it is an essential part of everyday life. The more provocative and selective you are about your water quality, the more you will be about you and everyone else’s health. With that being said, here are a few tips for choosing the right industrial filtration systems for your building:
1. Find the Problem Before Purchasing Your Industrial Filtration Systems
You can easily find your water problem by using a free water test. This will not only help you identify the problem, but it will also help you see how severe it might be. You will be able to find things like iron, acidity, hydrogen sulfide gas, and lots of other issues. After you get your test, think about which factors are the most important to you. If chlorine is your biggest concern, for example, look for filters that remove or reduce chlorine.
2. Indoor or Outdoor?
It is generally more expensive to have an industrial filtration system installed on both the outside and the inside of the area. An indoor filter is usually the least expensive option and is best for those that are mainly wanting to filter water indoors. If this sounds like you, let your filtration company know about your choice so they can concentrate on systems that are meant for indoor use only.
As mentioned above, your choice can ultimately impact your health. That’s why it’s always best to do your research.