Motorcycle riders can be seriously injured when they are sideswiped by a car. They should hire a Personal Injury Attorney in East Orange, NJ as soon as they have received medical treatment. It’s easy for them to become depressed when they face new medical bills and unpaid living expenses every day. An attorney from the law firm of Lord, Kobrin, Alvarez, and Fattel will explain that they are entitled to damages to pay for medical bills and recoup lost income. During the last 21 years, they have won over 100 million dollars in damages for their clients.
An injured person may think that they can’t afford to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in East Orange, NJ. They should know that they can afford it. Lawyers take these kinds of cases on a contingency basis. That means that they only take a percentage of any monetary settlement that they win for their client. They even meet with the person for free to determine if they have a case. After than the law firm covers the cost of mounting an aggressive case for their client. They pay to review all of the medical evidence, to question the police and paramedics who responded to the accident and to depose the driver.
After they have verified the injury, the cost of medical treatment and lost wages, they file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. The injured person has to understand that insurance companies make money by charging high premiums and paying out small claims. So they shouldn’t be surprised when the insurance company counters with a much smaller payment offer. They may even claim that the motorcyclist was at fault and file a claim with their insurance company. Personal injury lawyers know how to fight all of these allegations and tactics.
They will make it clear to the insurance company that they are ready to go to trial, if they don’t make a realistic offer. If the injured person will never be able to return to work, then they are entitled to damages that will compensate for their lost wages for the rest of their life. Often insurance companies will settle out of court, when a law firm shows them they are ready to fight aggressively for their client.