Is It Legal To Purchase Medical Marijuana in Northbrook Illinois?

by | Feb 26, 2016 | Health

Cannabis, marijuana, weed, hemp, etc, etc; it does not matter what name you use; it all comes from plants in the botanical family called cannabis. A large number of compounds can be extracted from these plants but it is the one known as THC (short for tetrahydrocannabinol) that is the prime source of the plant’s ability to be used as a psychoactive (mind altering) drug.

Medicinal Cannabis

Even in ancient times; the plant was used for its medicinal properties; but, it was (and still is) used in exactly the same way regardless of whether the user is seeking to get high or obtain relief from some debilitating condition or other. It is this lack of differentiation between medicinal cannabis, recreational cannabis and addictive cannabis dependence that has led much of the world today to classify it as a “dangerous” drug that should be legislated against.

The USA Controlled Substances Act Of 1970

This is a Federal Act that lists the drug as a Class 1 substance which makes its production, distribution and usage illegal throughout the country – regardless of the intentions behind its use. The act does not differentiate between medicinal, recreational or habitual use; it treats them as all being the same.

Are They Really Identical?

Federal authorities may say – “yes”; but there are many experts who do beg to differ and strongly advocate use for therapeutic purposes. For example, it has been shown to relieve the nausea most cancer patients suffer from when undergoing chemotherapy. Post traumatic stress victims can obtain better peace of mind through using it and, whilst it will not cure AIDS; it can provide a better quality of life to sufferers.

The Illinois Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act

Like several other States, Illinois has been swayed by the health specialists in favor of legalizing Medical Marijuana in Northbrook Illinois and the rest of the State. However, there are provisos. Firstly, Federal Law can always override local state laws like this. Additionally; the growing, production and distribution are closely controlled by the State’s Department of Public Health (who also levy tax like fees). Intending purchasers have to qualify to be in the program and; once registered, can only buy 2.5 ounces every 2 weeks on production of the official documentation. Moreover, they can only obtain this supply at a registered medicinal cannabis dispensary.

This means that it is legal under State law to buy Medical Marijuana in Northbrook Illinois but only after being accepted into the Compassionate Use Program and only at registered dispensaries like those run throughout Chicagoland by Greenhouse. For more info visit Domain.

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