Leveling A Ceiling With Furring Channels

by | Feb 1, 2017 | Aluminum Supplier

One of the most common and most effective uses of furring channels is to level a warped ceiling. Without the use of hat channel, the only option is to move to a drop ceiling, which is not always desirable in a room.

By using the correct type of furring channels and hangers , even when there are significant problems with the existing ceiling, the issues can be easily and effectively corrected. With the simple system of using hangers and hat channel, this is a job that can easily be completed by one or two people with only basic carpentry experience.

Choose the Hat Channel

Hat channels come in different sizes. This includes the height of the “hat” component, the width of the overall channel and the thickness of the aluminum. The correct size will be a factor of the specific use, the weight of the ceiling panels or the material used and if there is a need for additional insulation and soundproofing in the room.

The clips or hangers for this type of work can be snapped onto the ledges or the flange section of the furring channel. They will then be attached to the exposed joists with a single screw in the pre-punched slot.

Install the Channel

They will then be attached to the exposed joists with a single screw in the pre-punched slot. It is important not to tighten the screw, rather allow the hanger to float up and down.

Once the lengths of the furring channels are attached, use the level to adjust the level of the channel from one wall to the other, checking the level and making adjustments as you go.

The benefit of this system is that if there is a slight tilt to the channel, the level of the hangers in the problem areas can easily be adjusted. Once this is complete, the paneling can be fastened to the hat channel for a perfectly level ceiling.

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