Operating-Under-Influence Charges in Crowley, LA: The Safety of Hiring a Lawyer

by | Jan 24, 2019 | Lawyers

It isn’t a good idea for a person to drink and drive under any circumstances, yet people do it all the time and are sometimes caught. If a person is arrested under suspicion of driving while impaired or under the influence, charges could result in a misdemeanor or even a felony, depending on the number of times charged. It is best not to try to fight a DWI or DUI charge alone; a lawyer can help clients fight their operating-under-influence charges in Crowley, LA. Here are some facts about driving under the influence in Louisiana.

Facts About DUIs and DWIs in Louisiana

In Louisiana, like in the other states and commonwealths, if a person has a blood alcohol content of .08% or more, it is considered driving drunk. Allowances can be made if the blood alcohol content is under .05% or between .05% and .08%, and the driver will not receive any drunk driving charges. However, if the driver is under the age of 21 and they are caught driving with a .02% or greater blood alcohol content, it is considered drunk driving.

More Information About DUIs and DWIs in Louisiana

If a driver refuses to submit to a blood alcohol content test by a law enforcement officer in Louisiana, that is the same as an admission of guilt, according to the Louisiana courts. If a driver is charged with driving drunk, they have only 15 days to request a trial; otherwise, their driver’s license will be automatically suspended. It is important, and perhaps the safest route, for a driver charged with drunk driving to secure an attorney for representation.

An Attorney in Louisiana for Drunk Driving Charges

Getting a drunk driving charge in Louisiana can greatly impair the person’s future, as they may not be able anymore to drive to work and they may have that charge on the permanent record. Chris Richard, Attorney at Law is an attorney in the Lafayette, Louisiana area that helps drivers who have drunk driving charges. If a person has been arrested with operating-under-influence charges in Crowley, LA, this attorney is available. Find more information at Chrisrichardattorney.com. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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