Outdoor weddings can be absolutely beautiful, especially if you pick just the right location. The trouble is, you need to do a little extra planning for people’s, ahem, personal needs. While a wedding in a public park may provide restrooms, it may not be enough clean and sanitary toilets for all of your dressed-up guests. Porta-potty wedding rentals are the right answer, regardless of the presence of pre-existing outdoor restrooms or not.
Multiple Porta Potty Rental Options
The best thing about porta potty wedding rentals is that you can request multiple stalls that are all unisex, very clean, and sanitized upon delivery. You can even request extra large porta potties to accommodate guests in wheelchairs or elderly guests with walkers and assistants. Renting multiple porta potties for your outdoor wedding venue also results in a discount on your rentals.
Concerned About Handwashing? Porta Potty Companies Cover That Too
Maybe you’ve never seen them, but porta sinks are available to rent too. These come equipped with running faucets and pump soap so that all of your guests can practice good hygiene after using a porta potty. The water on the porta sinks is drawn in one of two ways, depending on which type of porta sink you rent.
The first type utilizes a garden hose connected to a water supply, if and when such a connection exists and is available for use. The other has an attached tank supply that once depleted is no longer available for use. They last about two to three hours.