Practical Ways to Increase Your ROI in the United States as a Farmer

by | May 10, 2022 | Agriculture

With delicious crops, you could dominate the wholesale market. Here are easy ways to grow the tastiest fruits and veggies.

Pick a Great Spot for a Strawberry Crop

A strawberry crop needs direct sunlight. Sun exposure is important because it enhances sugar development and growth.

Create a Watering Schedule for a Tomato Crop

Tomato plants require plenty of water because it prevents blossom end rot. You should water a new crop once a day and an established crop twice a day.

Use Organic Matter for Vegetable Crops

Organic matter fuels growth, and it makes vegetables taste better. If you’re not a fan of manure, you can use compost instead.

Use Great Fertilizers

Vegetables and fruits are heavy feeders, so you must use a fertilizer that’s packed with micro nutrients. If you use a regular fertilizer, some crops may not get the nutrients that they need.

Thin Out the Seedlings

If you find any seedlings that are struggling to grow, puck them out. This will help the entire crop reach its full potential.


You must set aside time to prune your plants. If you ignore or delay this task, certain plants will grow in odd directions, and they will be vulnerable to diseases.

Harvest on Time

Never harvest a crop too early. If you can’t easily pull the produce off a vine, it’s not time for a harvest.

GreenPoint Ag has tools that can help your farming business. If you try their incompass ag technology in McGehee AR, you’ll have more opportunities to improve your ROI.

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