There is nothing more pleasant than sitting beside a fireplace or wood stove on a cold evening. Indoor fireplaces serve a dual purpose of heating homes ad providing relaxation. However, they also come with responsibility. In order to keep fireplaces in good repair and ensure that they are safe, homeowners need to pay attention to their chimneys. One of the most straightforward ways of helping to prevent damage is Chimney Crown Installation in Severna Park MD. Read on to find out why.
Protection From the Elements
Sometimes when it rains, it pours. When it pours, water can easily find its way into an unprotected chimney. It will then seep into the bricks, causing them to deteriorate. The mortar will loosen up, bricks can start to pop-out, and often the eventual result is that chimneys need to be tuck-pointed more frequently, or even completely rebuilt.
Avoid the Need for Costly Repairs
Rain seeping into the chimney can also impact the firebox. Replacement bricks, repairs to the damper, and even a new flue may all be necessary. The worst part, though, is that without a chimney crown to protect the chimney from the rain, these repairs will have to be made over and over again to keep a chimney in good working order. Associated costs can add up quick.
Improve Curb Appeal
There is nothing less attractive than a chimney that is in a state of disrepair. Dust from disintegrating mortar and pieces of bricks chipping away can quickly leave a property looking decrepit and disreputable. Installing a chimney crown will improve the appearance of the chimney, even if it is not frequently used.
Prevent Spalling
When the faces of bricks pop off the outside of a chimney it is called spalling. The reason this happens is that water running down the outside of the bricks during and after storms leaves them wet and susceptible to moisture damage. Once this begins to occur, the only way to restore the chimney is to rebuild it. Chimney Crown Installation in Severna Park MD prevents this problem by providing extra protection so that water doesn’t have an opportunity to touch the sides of the chimney. Interested in addressing this or other chimney problems before they get any worse? Click here to find experienced contractors in the area who can help.