Testing for the Purity of Engine Oil

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Oil and gas

As with any commercial product, engine oil varies in terms of its quality. While price can be an indicator of the quality of the product, that is not necessarily the case in Florida because of the number of different engine oil vendors for marine and automobile use. Many engine oil distributors carry poor quality motor oil. A good engine oil distributor in Florida will understand the different testing processes used to maintain high standards of all petroleum products.

Testing the purity of engine oil can be done in a number of different ways, using different testing methods at different stages of production. When it comes to engine oils specifically, checking the purity of engine oil involves engine and bench testing. Manufacturers might use more sophisticated methods involving spectrometers that detect different levels and rates of absorption, viscosity, and other chemical properties to ascertain purity.

Because some manufacturers and refiners use additives to maximize profit, it is important to know what kinds of testing methods are used to check the purity of the engine oil sold by your local Florida distributor. Electrical tests, titrations, and performance tests may all be required. Some engine oil distributors in Florida, like Seaboard Neumann, verify that the manufacturers do scrutinize the quality of the oils they carry so that they can pass on only the best quality products to the consumers they serve.

Good quality engine oil is important for personal safety, for the longevity and care of personal or commercial vehicles, and for environmental ethics. The different methods of checking the purity of engine oil ensure that the oil will run well and extend the life of a vehicle without causing harm to the user or the environment. Your customers might have to pay a little more for better quality, but they know it will be worth it.

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