The first centrifuge used for separating yeast was introduced in 1903. It was not, however, until 1907 that the very first beer centrifuge made its appearance in the industry. Since then, this piece of equipment has made some inroads into the preparation and manufacturing of beer worldwide.
What Is a Centrifuge?
A centrifuge is piece of equipment often associated with the separation of blood. This is a clinical centrifuge. Industrial centrifuges also exist. Yet, no matter what the type, centrifuges perform the same actions. They put whatever object placed within them into a rotation at high speeds around a fixed axis.
In the case of beer, the centrifuge will remove hops, yeast, and other solids. It accomplishes this by swiftly and effectively whirling the beer around at very high speeds. These solids are denser than the liquid. At the same time, however, it will not negatively affect the flavor that these solids provide to the liquid.
Why Use a Beer Centrifuge?
Brewers like centrifuges for many reasons. They have been moved to utilize them as part of reducing their costs. Using a centrifuge can help brewers:
* Reduce fermentation and maturation times
* Increase brewery throughput
* Save on space
* Crop non-flocculent yeast
* Reduce the yeast quantity from green beer before the start of secondary fermentation
* multiplies the clarifying power of natural gravity
Brewers are turning to beer centrifuges for these and other reasons based on economic as well as production time and product quality.
Advantages of Centrifuges
It is easy to understand why some companies are using centrifuges in their beer production. These pieces of industrial equipment offer craft beer brewers certain advantages. Among the many reasons are the following:
* Rapid and efficient clarification
* Most consistent clarity of beer
* Easy sterilization of equipment
* Reduce or eliminate the need for filter aids
* Space requirements are small
* Most centrifuges are self-cleaning
* Operate continuously
While disadvantages do exist, technology is increasingly improving the equipment. This will ensure further application in the industry in the future.
The Beer Centrifuge: Providing More Beer Faster
Separation is the secret behind good centrifuge systems. It takes away such things as hops, proteins, tank bottoms residue wort trub and yeast, while not affecting the flavor. By choosing the right beer centrifuge for your brewing company, you will not only improve the clarity of your beer and increase its consistency, you will also be able to produce more beer from every batch you brew.