Considered as a passive electronic component, toroidal inductors are found in many different types of applications including in computers, electronic circuits as well as in low-frequency types of uses for power supplies and air conditioning systems.
All toroidal inductors are, by definition, shaped like a torus. An easy way to imagine the shape is that of a donut, with a hollow center and a round, circular exterior. The wire, the inductor, is wound continually around the torus shape, helping to eliminate the loss of the magnetic field that is found on a straight type of inductor.
The Core
The shape, as can be easily imagined, creates a closed magnetic field or circuit. In most cases the actual material used to create the core or the donut shape, is a ferrite material. This is ideal for high and low-frequency use and, since a ferromagnetic material is not going to be conductive, there is a minimal distortion of the current.
The core of toroidal inductors may also be created from powdered iron. There are also laminated cores that are carefully designed to limit the amount of leakage flux, or the magnetic flux that can extend beyond the core itself. Since there is low electromagnetic interference (EMI), these types of inductors are used in electronic systems used in computers, telecommunication devices and other uses where EMI needs to be limited.
The Design
The design of toroidal inductors is very simple. The toroidal core is wrapped with a specific number of passes of the wire. The specific design of the inductor will have a direct impact on how the component will be used.
When choosing the right design of toroidal inductors, there are several factors to keep in mind. The case, if enclosed, and the size of the component are always important, especially in smaller applications such as in wireless devices and computer parts.
With the size, all toroidal inductors will have their current unique rating, DC resistance, tolerance and current rating. There are common sizes and ratings that are used in many applications, as well as specialized parts used in only a handful of devices and circuits.
Some of the most specific types of toroidal inductors are found in medical and dental equipment and the in aerospace and aeronautics industries. They are also used in nuclear power generation as well as for electronic systems including brakes and clutches, and all have their specifications for the various applications.
At Premier Magnetics, we offer a wide range of toroidal inductors for all types of industrial applications. To search our inventory, visit us online at Website Domain.