The Lemon Law In Ohio

by | Nov 1, 2016 | Law Services

Just the thoughts of buying a new car are enough to bring a smile to the face of anybody, when they finally manage to buy it the smile just gets bigger. Unfortunately, if their new car happens to be a lemon it will certainly wipe the smile off their face quick enough. Fortunately for an Ohio consumer, the Ohio lemon law is there to give them relief.

How do I know my new car is a lemon?

First off, to qualify as a lemon in Ohio the car must have one or more issues that cannot be resolved. The issues must compromise the safety of the vehicle and must be either; less than a year old or have less than 18 thousand miles on the odometer.

It is more than just simply taking the car back, as the consumer you have to do a few things first. First of all you have to give the manufacturer or the agent, usually the dealer, a reasonable opportunity to fix the defect. You must give the manufacturer three chances to fix the same problem; the car must have been in for repairs for thirty days or more. If there are several problems you have to give the manufacturer a total of eight chances to put everything right.

If the fault is serious and could cause death or serious injury the manufacturer is only give one chance to repair the vehicle.

Filing a case:

Once your car has cleared the hurdles you have every right to demand a new car that is essentially the same as the one you bought or a refund of the entire purchase price.

To get the ball rolling, under the terms of the Ohio lemon law you must advise the manufacturer of your intentions, this must be done by certified mail. If the details of your case are such that the manufacturer agrees and fulfils your demand, fine. In many cases the manufacturer may disagree, at that time you might want to consider hiring a lemon law lawyer in Ohio. For more information please visit us

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