The Prudence of Talking with a Philly Personal Injury Lawyer

by | Aug 2, 2016 | Lawyers

Sustaining an injury was not part of today’s agenda. Even so, there are people who will be hurt before nightfall thanks to the negligence or intentional actions of another party. While focusing on recovery is priority, there is also the need to seek legal advice from a Philly personal injury lawyer.

Taking a Long Look at the Situation

There is no doubt that an injury has taken place. What remains to be determined is whether or not the circumstances would fall under the legal definition of personal injury. The legal counsel can examine the facts carefully and determine if there are grounds for filing a suit or at least making some attempt at a settlement.

Remember that the Philly personal injury lawyer will want to become acquainted with every aspect of the situation. That means more than looking at police reports or checking out the findings of the emergency room staff. If there are people who saw the event unfold, they will need to be interviewed. Once all the facts are in, the legal counsel can provide some idea of what should happen next.

Moving Forward with the Suit

If there is evidence that another party is responsible for the injury, the lawyer can make contact and confirm the intention to take legal action. This is often enough for the other party to involve an insurance company and cooperate in the filing of a claim. In the best case scenario, this will lead to a settlement offer that covers all medical expenses, and at least part of any other expenses caused by the injury.

Taking the Matter to Court

If the other party is not open to a settlement, proceeding with the case is the only option. Rest assured that the lawyer will prepare a strong case designed to leave no doubt that the defendant is responsible for the injury. In the best case scenario, the judge will agree and award the plaintiff a reasonable amount for damages.

Don’t assume there is nothing to be done after an injury takes place. If another party is responsible for the event, visit website and explore the legal options. Once a lawyer is involved, the answers will come swiftly.

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