Tips For Choosing A Shower Tile For A Home In Maricopa County

by | Apr 5, 2019 | Contractor

Creating a beautiful shower area can be easy with the right choice in shower tile. Knowing how to combine different colors, sizes and even shapes in the tile is a great way to make any bathroom in Maricopa Country unique and distinctive.

To get started, there are some important issues to consider. By taking the time to browse different websites and look at different options, homeowners can find the ideal option. Working with the designer at Home Solutionz is also an excellent option, allowing professionals to help you create the perfect look for an ensuite or a master bathroom in any Maricopa County home.

Size of Tile

There are different standard types of shower tile options on the market. Some are small or large square shapes, typically 12 by 12 inches or smaller sizes that can be two or three inches square.

There is also considerable interest in rectangular tiles, which are sometimes called a subway tile. These offer more of a brick-like look, and it allows for rows or alternating colors or one of the most distinctive bands of colors to add to the design.


Depending on the specific design or look, colors can range from neutral beige, white and gray to more distinctive colors that add a dash of color of dazzle to the room. In small spaces, it is important to avoid overusing colors as this can make a smaller shower area look even more confined.
Light colors tend to create a look of more space, which is always important to consider when choosing tile sizes and colors.

Tiling Patterns

Unless you are working with a professional, avoid complicated shower tile patterns. Even slight differences in spacing and alignment in elaborate types of tile patterns can stand out, taking away from the final look of the project.

To learn more about the different options in shower tile at Home Solutionz, visit our website.

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