Top 3 Reasons to Switch to Vaping with a Micro Vaped Pen

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Electronics and Electrical

While there are many smokers today who are switching to vaping, there are still many who aren’t sure why or if they want to make that change. From switching to a micro vaped pen to purchasing a starter kit to see if it’s the right move for you, read on below for the top reasons you should switch to vaping today.

Smoking Destroys Your Airways
It has been estimated that smoking is responsible for over 80 percent of lung cancer cases, something that vaping is said not to cause. There is a big difference in using a micro vaped pen and puffing on a traditional cigarette. Even if you are lucky enough to escape getting cancer, smoke will still do irreparable damage to your airways.

Smoking will Make You Look Older than You are
Cigarette smoke causes everything from wrinkles to bags under your eyes and from stretch marks to tough, leathery skin. You might think that it only affects the inside of your body, but it affects the way you look as well, making you look old before you time. Vaping doesn’t have any such effect on your body, so you are good to go on that front.

Science has Proven Vaping is Safer
Research is very clear on the fact that e-cigs are better for your health and safer than traditional tobacco is. While these pens and e-cigs are not FDA regulated, the research behind them supports the fact that they are better for you.

Vaping Helps the Transition
Vaping is said to be successful because it helps the smoker who is trying to quit still mimic the act of smoking without the actual nicotine and carcinogens going into their body. If you are serious about quitting smoking, then vaping is the best way to get you started on that path.

Smoking is Bad for Your Eyes
Research has shown that smoking can cause loss of vision and cataracts as well. If you want to keep your vision, then switching to vaping might be the best way to ensure that you do.

These are just a few of the reasons that you might want to switch to vaping from traditional smoking. From smoking being bad for your eyes to making you look older than you really are, smoking is just plain bad and vaping can help you kick the habit if you let it.

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