Trauma Informed Substance Abuse Services

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Health

A great number of people involved in mental health and substance abuse programs have been severely impacted by trauma, failure to realize this and address it can have significant implications when it comes to effective treatment. Trauma informed in Minnetonka is an approach that engages those with a history of trauma, fully recognizing the impact of trauma on their lives.

The core principles of trauma informed care:

* Understanding: Only through in depth knowledge of trauma is it possible to act with compassion, taking informed steps towards wellness.
* Safety: Physical and emotional safety and security will minimize stress, allowing a dedicated focus on wellness.
* Compassion: Trusting and compassionate connections with other people tends to foster mutual respect and wellness.
* Empowerment: It is possible to promote wellness when given opportunities to make meaningful decisions for one’s self.
* Resilience: A continued focus on personal strengths can lead toward wellness and recovery.

Trauma informed care is often confused with Trauma Specific Treatment, the two are different. Trauma informed in Minnetonka includes a full understanding of trauma but is not designed specially to treat the symptoms. Trauma Specific Treatment is based on factual evidence and treatment approaches that are proven to enhance recovery from trauma.

Trauma informed care systems:

Following the core principles of trauma informed care leads to:

* Recognition of the fact that attempted coercion is a cause of trauma
* Focus on what really has happened to you

On the other hand, systems that do not take into account trauma sensitivity often result in low morale, a misuse of power and a focus on what’s wrong rather than what has happened.

There is a significant amount of evidence pointing to the fact that most people in substance abuse treatment programs have a history of trauma. When services and care systems understand the role of trauma for those suffering from an addiction, the services can reinforce and strengthen recovery.

Substance abuse programs are strengthened when there is an in-depth understanding of trauma informed care. Trauma informed in Minnetonka is strongly supported in gender responsive programs at “Company Name”.

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