Debt might take many forms. It could be a home with a mortgage that isn’t affordable, credit cards, personal or automobile loans. People who take on debt typically have every intention to repay it but when circumstances beyond your control affect your income, it may not be possible. Fortunately, there are some options for relief.
Credit Counseling
Sometimes people are so close to a stressful situation they are unable to see all of the possible solutions. One you might have missed is credit counseling. Certified credit counselors could help you consolidate your debts and manage money so you’re less likely to have similar problems in the future.
Credit counseling is most effective in the early debt stages before creditors have sued and the mortgage company is ready to foreclose. If your wages are being garnished or your mortgage company has filed for foreclosure, consulting with an attorney who offers Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Services Cedar Falls IA residents trust might be a more effective solution.
Many people wait until their assets have been depleted before they file for bankruptcy. Although the bankruptcy court may seize certain assets in order to pay off debts, people who use Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Services Cedar Falls IA attorneys provide are often able to keep much of their personal belongings. It’s important to seek legal advice to determine whether filing for bankruptcy protection might be a good financial decision.
Pieter’s & Pieter’s Law Offices has attorneys available to assist with all of your bankruptcy questions. Contact them at
today to schedule a consultation. You can also connect them on Facebook.