Understanding The Basic Difference Between SSI and SSDI in Chicago

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Lawyers

Two of the most common federal programs that provide financial assistance to people in need are SSI and SSDI. They are both commonly referred to as social security benefits, but they are two different programs. Read on to understand the basic difference between the two.

Social Security Disability Insurance

SSDI is a program that is available to workers of all ages. It’s designed to aid those who have become disabled and can no longer engage in gainful employment due to said disability. To receive SSDI, you must have accumulated a requisite number of work credits (40), 20 of which must have been earned in the ten years prior to your disability.

Social Security Supplemental Insurance

SSI is a program that aids elderly, blind and disabled individuals who have limited resources to pay for food and shelter. Unlike with SSDI, SSI recipients are not required to have earned work credits to receive financial assistance. The main requirement, besides being blind, elderly or disabled is that SSI recipients have limited access to resources to cover their basic necessities

Social Security Lawyer in Chicago

If you’re dealing with a claim involving either SSI or SSDI, then your best bet is to contact a Social Security lawyer in Chicago. The full details of each of these programs are complex and nuanced. An attorney who is available to practice Social Security law understands the ins and outs of both programs and can help you make the right decisions to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Contact Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. today to speak with an attorney for your Social Security need.

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