Using Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain Relief in Boca Raton

by | Mar 19, 2024 | Orthopedic clinic

With the goal of providing back pain relief in Boca Raton, FL, many lower back pain sufferers are referred to physical therapy as a first line of treatment. A physical therapist in Boca Raton, FL will provide their patients with guided therapeutic exercises to strengthen the lower back muscles while improving the condition of spinal joints and tissues.

The long-term goals of a physical therapist in Boca Raton, FL, include decreasing painful symptoms in their patients, improving low back function, maximizing flexibility, and creating a maintenance program that can minimize the recurrence of back problems.

Exercises are intended to provide back pain relief in Boca Raton, FL, by improving flexibility, strengthening the kinetic chain, and encouraging joints and muscles to work together properly as a person performs body movements.

The physical therapist’s goal includes helping their patient get back to performing daily activities with the least amount of discomfort. Studies have shown that physical therapy reduces lower back pain symptoms by up to 60 percent.

Core exercises are designed to improve core strength and enhance core function. The body’s core is the area that surrounds the stomach muscles, the buttocks, and the back. When a person has a weak core, weight is distributed unevenly throughout the spine, which can worsen back pain. Core strengthening stabilizes the spine and the surrounding muscles and tissues, significantly reducing pain and improving function.

Learn more about how physical therapy can help with back pain relief, and see how the orthopedic specialists at Boca Raton Orthopedic Group are treating people of all ages with multiple skeletal conditions when you visit their website.

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