What is Popular in Kitchen Cabinets in Illinois Design?

by | Mar 21, 2023 | Construction and Maintenance

Few areas of the kitchen are as tonally significant as the kitchen cabinets. Relying on some bright and sprightly design, kitchen cabinets are secondary to the aesthetics of the space. The core color rests on the walls, and the minor pattern options rest on the countertops. But it is the cabinetry that presents the colored dimension to the space. It provides that color-related depth, and it can make or break the design.

Some excellent options have surfaced that have not been as popular before. These are just a few of the relatively new design choices that are making kitchen cabinets in Illinois as important as ever.

Bold Mahogany

Many homeowners are going for this very dark and stark coloration, and they are doing it quite well. Very dark cabinetry is framed against a very light artistic construction. For example, white walls and appliances provide the light spectrum, whereas the cabinetry is explicitly dark. This duality is appealing, and it is coming back strong in kitchen design.

Brick Patterns

There is a wide and mainstream embrace of the Victorian style coming in full force, and that plays off with the famous brick pattern. It may seem silly on paper, but many people are implementing it with excellent aplomb all over America. Kitchen cabinets in Illinois can provide a subtle white brick pattern in full force, and that plays off with the famous brick pattern. It may seem silly on paper, but many people are implementing it with remarkable aplomb all over America. Kitchen cabinets in Illinois can provide a subtle white brick pattern. The cabinetry could actually be made of brick as well, which is an outside-the-box idea that is gaining traction as an alternative to wood.

Shades of brown

The most popular cosmetic idea is to keep all cabinetry the same color in the kitchen. But a few select forward-thinkers are actually experimenting with this in a number of ways. They are deploying various shades of brown for a design that is as eccentric as it is brilliant. It does not always work, and if it is too subtle, it seems superfluous. But if done well, such as merging a dark with a medium shade, it could be sensational.

There are thousands of ways to find tone and consistency in the kitchen, and sometimes that requires no consistency at all. Glendale Design and Supply in Chicago stocks a wide range of industry-leading brands, so you can find the high-quality building materials and fixtures you’re looking for.

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