What You Need to Know About a Corporate IP Attorney In Chicago

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Attorney

The law industry has a variety of careers, including being an intellectual property lawyer. This involves protecting the rights of newly created materials and inventions like characters, designs, and stories, among others. There are several types of intellectual property that can be protected by the law.


This protects inventions that are under development, have been already developed or will be developed, such as software, hardware, and industrial processes, among others.


This protects phrases, words, sounds, smells, symbols, and color schemes. They represent a product or service.


Instead of protecting ideas, copyrights protect the creativity of artists, writers, designers, etc. Although copyrights give the owner authority over their works’ use, distribution, and performance, there are rules.

Trade secrets

For agencies with sensitive systems, procedures, recipes, formulas, or other information, trade secrets do not offer much legal protection.


This allows other people apart from the property owner to use a certain good or service at a fee.

Unfair competition

This law makes sure firms manufacture and trade goods fairly. Competition lawyers protect customers or companies.

Here are some of the responsibilities of a corporate IP attorney in Chicago.

  • Representing their clients at court
  • Educating clients on their rights and actions in intellectual property
  • Drafting licensing agreements or new contracts
  • Working together with patent offices and trademark
  • Negotiating legal settlements as well as filing lawsuits

For anyone to become a corporate IP attorney in Chicago, they must meet particular requirements. However, the requirements may be different in different places and the type of IP law.

For the best IP lawyer, contact Jayaram Law, Inc.

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