Thousands of people are embarrassed to smile and laugh in public because they have crooked teeth. Having dental issues is one of the main causes of self-consciousness today. The most common way to straighten your teeth is to visit the dentist and have metal braces installed. These braces are going to take a long time to straighten your teeth and they are extremely uncomfortable. You also won’t be able to chew gum or eat certain foods while these braces are in your mouth. However, there are more advanced ways to straighten your teeth that aren’t nearly as uncomfortable or embarrassing. Invisalign is one of the best ways to achieve a perfect smile today.
Invisalign is a new technology that uses clear, removable guards to straighten your teeth. These guards make it so much easier to achieve the smile of your dreams because nobody will be able to tell that you have Invisalign in your mouth. You can even take them out if you want to enjoy gum or eat difficult foods that you can’t eat with metal braces. You may be wondering how this guard will straighten your teeth, and the answer is simple. Your dentist will have several guards for you to use over a certain period of time. Every few weeks you will change the guard over your teeth to the next stage. Each stage is going to bring your teeth closer to your dream smile. Once you work through every guard your dentist has for you, you can stop using them and enjoy perfectly straight teeth for the rest of your life. Invisalign is also not painful in any way, whereas some people complain about how much metal braces hurt their mouth.
If you are looking for Invisalign in Washington DC, stop by The DC Dentist. This is one of the most popular choices for Invisalign in Washington DC because they are known for helping with other cosmetic issues simultaneously. If you want to find out what other services they offer, you can discover more here. Consider having your teeth whitened every time you change your guards as well. This will ensure that your teeth are vibrant and straight by the time you finish your Invisalign treatment. Make sure to take care of your smile so you can feel confident when speaking or laughing in front of people.